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Sales Mastery: Don’t Sell The Steak, Sell The Sizzle

In this article, you’ll learn the sales paradox and how that relates to the four types of sales people. You’ll gain insight into your sizzle, or the benefits of your products/services, and how you can better align with your sizzle in order to help your customers more effectively.

We’ll take a look at how to engage better with your prospective customers by tackling the harsh reality that people generally don’t care about your business and what it does nearly as much as you might wish. They do, however, care very much about what your business might be able to do for them.

This presents a real challenge for us as we try to overcome the dilemma that what we are selling (features) is seldom what people are buying (benefits).

To help us with this, we will focus on some valuable lessons from the past and real evergreen practical tips to help us capture the interest of those people with whom we want to do business.

Elmer Wheeler (1903 to 1968), Author, Speaker, Sales Expert and often described as the greatest sales person in the world created the five Wheelerpoints:
1. Don’t sell the steak – sell the sizzle!
2. Don’t write – telegraph.
3. Say it with flowers.
4. Don’t ask if – as which! (questions)
5. Watch your bark.

Wheelerpoints number 1: Don’t sell the steak – sell the sizzle!

When exploring the first of these Wheelerpoints, it becomes clear that there’s often a mismatch between what we sell (special features) and what people buy (benefits).

People buy what helps them… they don’t necessarily care about what you or your product does, but they do care what it can do for them.

We must think about our customers and understand what they’re like before we work with them, as well as what it is they want to achieve after your interaction. Where are they now and where do we take them as a result of us working with them?

What we’re selling is that transition, or that change from “before” to “after.”

The Sales Paradox: We hate being sold to, but we love buying things.

The reason for that is that there are Four Types of Sales People:

  • Order takers (i.e. servers): Provide efficiency and accuracy
  • Product pushers: Push their product onto us whether we need it or not
  • Over sellers: Selling their products to us because they will make us stunningly gorgeous, successful, high performing, etc.
  • Problem solvers: Sellers of products that actually help solve our issues

Once you understand that it’s about problem solving, life gets easier because you can stop selling and start helping. Stop being a product pusher or over seller and start being a problem solver or order taker by matching your features to the benefits the customers are searching for and helping your customers to buy a product that will benefit them.

What are you selling and how is your customer better off because of it? What is your sizzle? In other words, what’s in it for them? Try to be as realistic as you can with this.

In business, we need to be able to sell… and it’s a skill that takes practice. Now that you know what your sizzle is and how your product benefits your customers, go out and practice selling with that in mind!

Sell the transition that comes with buying your product/service.

Has this article got you thinking about your business and how you want to grab the reins and drive it forward. Lots of people in your position feel just the same but struggle to find the time or feel they lack the skills or knowledge to do so?

Since 2007, we’ve helped thousands of business owners who have faced this exact challenge (the reality is that we all feel like this at times during our business journey. We run regular free events and we’d love you to come along some time soon and join in.

Bookings are open now: https://good-2-great.co.uk/free-seminar/

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