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How to set goals when you’ve no idea that is going to happen…

Do you have trouble setting and reaching your goals? Are you in need of some goal-setting guidance? You’re in the right place! This article offers:

  • Advice for how to set short-term and long-term goals.
  • A powerful technique to help you ensure that the goals you set are realistic and attainable
  • Details of what you need to do to be able to achieve those goals.



So often when a crisis emerges, goals and strategies go out the window because survival mode kicks in. When we encounter obstacles in life and in business, which we call short-term challenges, we must meet them with long-term goals and a vision. It may be difficult to find the motivation to tackle the mountain in front of us, but if we have something of value on the other side to focus on, it becomes much easier. 


How clear is your vision? Take some time to get clear on what you hope to attain in the future. 

Short-term Goals vs. Long-term Goals

Long-term goals only make sense if the basics are in place. Just like you need to think about having petrol in your tank before going on a long road trip, in business, you need to think about having your fundamental needs met before taking on large, long-term goals and projects. Without focusing on those needs, your fuel may run out without you even realising it, causing more issues down the road.

The good news is, you can still sail a ship in foggy weather, if you have the right skills and the right focus!

What are the basics for you and your business? How will organizing these basics help you reach your long-term goals?

Short-term goals come in two forms:


  • Chasing cash / credit control
  • Unstructured and episodic sales activity
  • Unplanned networking – coffee and chat
  • Cost Cutting
  • Redundancy processes


  • Meeting new people
  • Creating new services or products
  • Streamlining processes
  • Taking on staff or training existing staff
  • Personal development

Reactive goal setting is about fixing problems, while proactive goal setting is about taking advantage of opportunities.

“Entrepreneurs aren’t risk takers… they’re opportunity takers.”

The best way to make an opportunity realistic and attainable is to make it SMART!

What is meant by that?

Specific  -> What do you want to do? Write down precisely what you want to achieve.

Measurable  -> How will you be able to measure success? Get clear on your unit(s) of measurement.

Actionable  -> Is this something you can work or act on now? If not, perhaps it’s best to move on to a different goal.

Relevant  -> Is this something that benefits your life/business directly?

Time-bound  ->  Is there a deadline or a frequency for your goal, so you know how to plan your actions? If there isn’t a deadline, set one for yourself to keep yourself accountable.

What are the best short-term opportunities in your life right now? (think SMART!)

Now that you’ve learned what a SMART goal is, the two varieties of short-term goals, and what is needed to reach long-term goals, you’re ready to start setting and achieving your goals and turn your vision into a reality!

Remember, it may take some time and focus, but having a plan in place and a vision to look forward to will make reaching your goals all the more feasible.

What Next:

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