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Imagine a game with no goals!

Whatever your sport (in fact, even if you aren’t a sports fan, you’ll appreciate the analogy), have you ever stoped to imagine how futile the whole thing would be if, say, a rugby match had no way of scoring points, or nobody timed a marathon and there was no finish line…

Sport with no goals

Sports people and teams all work tirelessly and always plan their game strategy with the end in sight. And that of course, is the goal of winning.

This is the point where dogged determination meets successful strategies – which were developed with the goal in sight.

Now, I’m not suggesting we all need to rush out and start becoming competitive athletes – but it might be worth imagining that your business success is like a world cup or an olympic final.

When did you last really sit down and set out your goals for your business and work out which strategies will achieve them.

If the answer is “never” or even “not for some time” then you’re not alone – most business owners don’t manage to develop robust and realistic strategies for their business, and it’s because they haven’t got the end goal in sight – often the reason why they started or took on the business in the first place. To me, that’s like getting in your car and starting to drive – without a clue as to where you want to get to.

Being a competitive athlete is grueling and so is building a business. So why are you putting in the hard yards? how is it going?  Is the money ok? Do you mind the long hours? Does it sometimes feel that your team seem to be going out of their way to make your life harder?

Sound familiar?

I am guessing your business is good at what it does – but this could be meaningless….

The truth is that all business strategy is doomed to failure – unless there are clear goals.

So the big question – “what are you trying to achieve?” Start with the end in mind – and then it’s so much easier to direct appropriate effort and resources towards the achievement of a goal.  You will soon find that When the ‘WHY’ gets stronger, the ‘HOW’ gets easier.

Has this article got you thinking about your business and how you want to grab the reins and drive it forward but you struggle to find the time or feel that you lack the skills or knowledge to do so?

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