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The Power of Good PR…

This is the biggest publicity mistake made by new and growing businesses…

Make your business into the world’s best kept secret!

We recently wrote to all of the new business starters that the team here at Good2Great has assisted over the last year or so to prompt a little action.

There are so many PR opportunities these days (both in the mainstream media and also on social platforms) that it’s never been easier to “get your name out there”.

The challenge though, is how to stand out. Because with all of these opportunities comes more competition and it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. In fact, it gets worse as many people either give up or fail to exploit opportunities and this means that all those potential customers miss you. And this is true whether your target market is super local or if your sights are set on a much broader field.

The PR Template

We are always keen to help our new starters get their business off to the best flying start possible. And as such we give them a PR template to capture information to help us help them…

The PR Template is accessible here: DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE

If you haven’t already, please do take a few moments to complete it. It will give you a great lift to kickstart your PR activity.

Of course, like all PR, it’s totally ineffective unless you do something with it.

You could, of course book in a chat to find out more about how you can create and then implement your publicity plan.

We use all our client templates on social media to help promote their businesses. For many we do a huge amount more, using Jocelyne (our secret PR weapon) to get businesses in the news.


Visit the PRESS ROOM for loads of recent stories and features: PRESS ROOM

What Next:

Thanks for taking the time to read this article.

When you’re ready, why not sign up to attend the next FREE SEMINAR. We run these events to give business owners like you the opportunity to discover how to put the steps in place to accelerate your business growth plans.

Then take advantage of a complimentary strategy review where we’ll explore specific ways to help you achieve sustainable profitable growth…

You can find details of the next event here: LINK TO EVENTS
